CNYS'05 Multi BISS Am/Can
Am/Can CD, RN, TT, CGC

finishes 2007 as the #1 Rottweiler in Breed Points!

Mel is a Multiple Best in Specialty Winner
and has many Group Wins
winning the 2007 ARC Regional Specialty in Raleigh, North Carolina!
winning the 2007 San Diego Specialty! |
Click on any of Mel's show
photos to Enlarge

Mel in Canada
Mel was Best in
Sweepstakes (with BOS going to sister, Bridget)
at the 2005
Rottweiler Club of Canada Western Ontario Specialty.
While in Canada,
he also won the title of 2005 Canadian National Youth Sieger!

Mel Growing

Mel's First Shows
finished his Championship with Four Majors by the age of Two.
He also won 1st
in the 12-15 Futurity and 3rd in 12-18 at the 2005 ARC National Specialty!
And, both
Mel and sister, Bridget, were first in their MRC Futurity Classes as well!

Mel Ads
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