Bridget at 7 years

Bridget is a Multiple Best in Specialty Winning Bitch

Bridget winning the 2006 SW Rottweiler Club of San Diego Specialty!

Bridget winning the 2006 Northstar Rottweiler Club Specialty!
Bridget in Canada
2005 Rottweiler Club of Canada Western Ontario Specialty BOSS
2005 Sovereign Rottweiler Club Specialty WB
WB/BOW/BOS at the Supported Entry the same day
Click on photos to enlarge

Bridget's First Shows
Best in Sweepstakes & Best Puppy at the 2004 Gulfstream Rottweiler Club Specialty
Best Puppy in Show at the Greater Miami All Breed Show!!!
Bridget earned both majors and two additional points in
three WB wins out of six shows on the tough Florida January circuit!!!
Both Bridget and brother, Mel, were first in their MRC Futurity Classes as well!

Bridget Candids

Bridget at Six Months

Bridget Ads
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